Elena Fyseki



FEEL is a program that helps people built better and lasting emotional health, with real time, evidence-based advice and support 24/7.

This program consists of the Feel Emotion Sensor (a bracelet that record the mood/emotions of the user), the Feel App (where you are able to see the progress), an Educational Program (custom program that helps the user to manage his/her emotions) and a licensed Therapist (who is assigned on specific patients and helps them with their program).


After user testings, the client realised that some sections in the App should be more user-friendly. Some of the tasks that we handled were Notifications Feed, Emotion Log In and Doctors' Sessions.

Also, we had to change the UX of the Dashboard, where the Doctor manages his/her patients; e.g. the patient’s profile, the Sidebar, the Appointments Calendar.


The biggest challenge was the UX design of the notifications feed. We proposed 6 different ways in order to make the app more functional. One of our proposals was about the instant emotion log in, using icons. So as to be the user familiar with these icons, we developed an onboarding, where the user can access to it whenever he/she first log in to the app or he/she wants to refresh his/her memory.

Furthermore, we proposed to have an actual User Testing on onboarding, where we developed various UX solutions with different UI. The answers in this User Testing was very interesting and helps us to make the right UX decisions.

Created while I was working at Another Circus Creative Agency



Top Vinegar is a brand with various tastes of vinegars.


Refresh people’s perception of the brand, raise awareness of the brand to target audiences, promote TOP products’ assets, engage fans by offering them interesting content (such as recipes and useful tips related to brand’s products).

The main tagline was #TopTaste

We achieved that through fine social media creative concepts and through many micro-campaigns in Top Vinegar's social media.

The following visuals/posts created while I was working at Interweave agency.


METAXA is a big global brand containing many spirits with different distillations.


A new spirit METAXA HONEY was launched at 2015 with the BEE A BEE CAMPAIGN. We created the website and the social media for this campaign, which was awarded at SOCIAL MEDIA AWARDS 2016.

While I was working in Interweave Agency for this client, I was a member of the team that designed:

- the BEE A BEE CAMPAIGN (social media posts/ads, website, google ads, skins, banners, prints)

- social media posts/ads, google ads, banners etc., for the brand METAXA, according to micro campaigns with a specific targeting.

- METAXA 12 stars campaign (social media posts/ads, google banners etc.)



Agapi Beach Resort is a luxury resort in Crete, Greece.


Brand identity, corporate presentations and internal communication for the resort. We were inspired by the history of the resort; all the inside and outside spaces were inspired by the traditional embroidery of the owners' grandmother.

We created the iconography which are used at the resort’s rooms and spaces, inspired by these traditional embroideries.

Created while I was working at Interweave Agency